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February 9, 2025
Botanical Beauty QAL: IT'S HERE:) from Nestlings By Robin

 I am giddy with excitement!!

As I said before, this is one
of the grandest things I have ever done!
After many hours of work
 I am THRILLED to bring my,
quilt pattern to you!

Lots of information in this post
so please read to the end.

I am very proud of my 
family's military service
and of all the military members
and their families
that sacrifice much 
more than most will ever know.
In honor of those who sacrifice,
I will be highlighting some
not-so-well-known heroes of 
the Revolutionary War each month
with the ...

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February 8, 2025
Botanical Beauty QAL: Fabric and Supplies from Nestlings By Robin


We are 1 day away from starting
the Botanical Beauty QAL and I
don't even have time for ironing-LOL!

If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE...
we will wait:)

As you can see in the photo above, there
are more than just 1 red, white, or blue.
I didn't quite go scrappy nor did I 
stick to my usual organized, cohesive look.
I decided to mix it up a bit this time.
The pattern will have overall yardage (ex. Red- #yards)
 and if you choose to go a bit scrappier, just 
add ...

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February 6, 2025
Botanical Beauty QAL: Introduction from Nestlings By Robin


This design is a culmination of many
of my designs over the years 
(some published, some not).
The 250th birthday felt like the 
right time to be 'GRAND'.
This is the biggest, most grand
design I have ever attempted and 
I am grateful that you are here
for the journey!
I hope that those of you new to applique'
will give it a try. There are many methods
out there and we will discuss
many of them over the next year.

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard ...

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January 31, 2025
Stars of Peace: Let the stitching begin:) from Nestlings By Robin


After many hours of work
 I am beyond excited to bring my
Stars of Peace: Sestercentennial Sampler
quilt pattern to you!
Lots of information in this post
so please read to the end.

I am very proud of my 
family's military service
and of all the military members
and their families
that sacrifice much 
more than most will ever know.

In honor of those who sacrifice,
I will be highlighting some
not-so-well-known heroes of 
the Revolutionary War each month
with the block for that month.
There will also be a bit of history
about the block ...

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January 30, 2025
Stars of Peace QAL: Fabric and Supplies from Nestlings By Robin


We are only 3 days away 
from this fun and inspiring quilt along!
So Exciting!!
If you are new to the conversation,
go read the introduction HERE...
we will wait:)

As you can see in the photo above, there
are more than just 1 red, white, or blue.
I didn't quite go scrappy nor did I 
stick to my usual organized, cohesive look.
I decided to mix it up a bit this time.
The pattern will have overall yardage (ex. Red- #yards)
 and if you choose to go a bit scrappier, just 
add up your pieces to total ...

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January 27, 2025
Stars of Peace QAL: Introduction from Nestlings By Robin

As some of you may know, 
I come from a military family.
After joining the Coast Guard myself, 
I met and married my husband then
 followed him in his 30 years of service.
We were fortunate to be able to see 
a great deal of the country through 
our moves, learning the history and culture
of many regions.
It was an honor to be a part of the 
Coast Guard and its missions.

As a quilter, I am involved with the 
Quilts of Valor Foundation.
The foundation's mission is an 
important message to those that
serve our country, you ...

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November 13, 2024
Good-bye 2024 and Hello 2026 from Nestlings By Robin

That is Not a typo:)

It has been a rough year on so many levels for many people and I don't know about you, but my calm, the balm for my soul is stitching. The slow and steady pull of the thread through fabric calms me in ways I can't fully describe. There is a form of meditation in this glorious art form that I am thankful to have in my life and hope I can entice others to feel as well.

I have been absent a bit now, I know.  For those following along, we moved from ...

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May 28, 2024
Spring in Illinois from Nestlings By Robin

 Spring has Sprung here in Illinois. 
I forgot how much I missed 
the change of seasons and the green 
of everything coming back!
We now have lovely red patio 
chairs and a great view when 
the weather permits.
It is the perfect spot to do 
some hand stitching:)
Inside things were at a stand still
until I could get some cabinets to paint
for my studio. Here they are....
Wait until you see the lovely red
they will become.

is still progressing in my FB group,
Robin's Rocking Needles here.
This is 4 panels ...

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December 14, 2023
Benartex 4th Quarter Fun from Nestlings By Robin

 Welcome back for some Benartex fun!
For my 4th quarter project, I have
been playing with the American Spirit 

American Spirit

These were the fabrics I chose
to work with for this project
but there are many others 
to choose from.

If you saw my Ohio remix
in the Fat Quarterly in October, 
then you may know where this
is going:)
I took that block along with
another arrangement and
combined them with a
sweet and simple border applique'.

In January this new design,
'In Gratitude', will be available 
for purchase through my ETSY ...

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July 24, 2023
Benartex Ambassador Project #3 from Nestlings By Robin

 Christmas in July is celebrated by 
lots of quilters to get a jump on
their Christmas gift lists, so
I am going to offer 2
Christmas in July patterns
for my Benartex projects!

For project #3 I chose
to work with the new
arriving in shops now.
This line has a lovely
silky feel to it and there
are lots of cute
prints to choose from.
White makes me think of 
snowflakes though and how 
fun are those little
paper cut ones from 
our childhood.

In all honesty, I was never 
much good at getting them ...

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Benartex Christmas in July 2023 from Nestlings By Robin

 Jackie Robinson has 
done it again!
a lovely array of 
holiday touchstones from 
holly to Christmas ornaments.

I used techniques from
to adorn this sweet and 
simple table runner
with lovely amaryllis 
flower bouquets.

I am in love with 
these sweet flowers and the 
cute star negative space 
at their centers!

The pattern can be found
in my ETSY shop
Fun quilting 
suggestions included.

Come join the designers
and ambassadors on 
July 25th for a peek
at all the upcoming
You can register HERE.

Come see how I used this ...

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May 28, 2023
Twist & Turn Blog Hop from Nestlings By Robin

Hello and Welcome to the 
Twist & Turn Blog Hop
featuring a new book
by Cinzia White. 

Twist & Turn Quilts by Cinzia White, 

published by C&T Publishing, is 

landing in stores this month. 

I have joined with a group of exciting 

original designers to bring more 

ideas on how to meld different designs to 

make your own original quilt. 

These innovative designers are showing 

us a variety of their own circle designs 

using the latest fabrics to highlight the 

versatility of Cinzia’s Twist & Turn Quilts. 

First let's take a peek at a couple

of designs directly from the ...

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April 16, 2023
Benartex Project #2- Peacock Petals from Nestlings By Robin

 We round up the first quarter of the year
with my second Benartex project....
Peacock Petals using fabrics
It hit store shelves in January so
keep an eye out for it.

Deep rich colors and 
a spring vibe kept niggling at 
the back of my mind.

I thought about 2 particular 
design workshops that I
adore teaching, Scrapplique'
and Fabric Collaborations.
Both concepts along with these
two fabrics inspired
my work for this challenge.
Thankfully the style of the fabric
goes beautifully with my own 
aesthetic of swirls and dots!

Admittedly, I ...

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April 9, 2023
Graduations; What do they mean? from Nestlings By Robin

 Welcome to Graduation season!
As our future steps out of the 
shadow of their parents and wanders
into their own way of doing things, 
I thought it might be fun to 
remember some of our own
graduated ideas.

Who remembers the first time
we realized that we didn't HAVE TO  
do everything we were taught?

Who remembers that amazing 
feeling of paying your own way
for the first time and then paying 
for someone else too?

These seem like simple ideas but 
they are the small ways that we 
graduate from child thinking to
becoming adults.

When I designed ...

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January 30, 2023
Benartex Ambassador group Totes from Nestlings By Robin

Welcome back everyone!  
We invite you to join the 
Ambassadors as we show
off our fun group project...
There is some 
adventurous stitching!

Our mission was to 
reinterpret the logo
shown below and 
that was really the 
only rule other than 
making a bag:)
Look at these gorgeous
fabrics we had to play with.
This is the Wave Texture
basics line by 
Based on the logo, I chose
Sky, Fuchsia, and Lime.

Wave texture fabric from Benartex

I love playing with this
simple petal shape and 
 I knew that I would
do hand applique' 
with embroidery, 
so here is BloomX:)

I ...

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January 24, 2023
Benartex Ambassador project #1 from Nestlings By Robin

Welcome to my first 
Benartex Ambassador
project for 2023! 
Meet "Heartland" by 
Cheryl Haynes.
I was completely digging
the floral and checks
and the fabric is so soft!

My father is from Kansas,
and my oldest lives in Illinois.
When we drive up there, the 
vast acreage of windmills is 
breathtaking just as the images
from Kansas plains of one small
windmill were in the day.

So, this fabric line immediately 
took me to windmills.

Because I couldn't make 
a decision, you get a 2 for 1 tutorial:)

Any block that gives the 
illusion of a windmill works.
For ...

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January 5, 2023
HAPPY HAPPY 2023! from Nestlings By Robin

I know I live in Florida but
occasionally it does get chilly:)
The newest member of the family
has enough fur to keep him 
warm but he looks So-Damn-Cute
with my scarf and Jim's hat:)

Now that the new year has begun
and I am slowly getting back
into my work routine, 
it is time to talk goals!

I have chosen words in the past
but my personality does not do 
well with keeping up with that.
I have also in the past, made a
very long list of goals that go 
by the wayside.

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My first ever Calendar! from Nestlings By Robin

Embroidery Calendar
Initial orders have gone out 
and I am excited to start
my video tutorials that will
post each month on my

This labor of love is
comprised of various
flowers I have designed
over the years and put 
into a 3" format so
that each month you 
get a new little piece
to work on in all
those in between moments
(bank line, doctor 
appointment, etc).
Those minutes add
up so quickly.
Each month has a 
handy pocket calendar and
an inspirational phrase.

On the back side,
there are notes about
supplies, stitches to try,
and ideas for ...

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December 21, 2022
CHURNED DAISIES:) from Nestlings By Robin

On shelves now is the 
January 2023 issue
of American Quilter.
The digital issue is now
available for purchase

I am SO excited to finally
have this design out in the world:)
and in one of my favorite
color combinations!
These fabrics have been
waiting for me to get my
butt in gear as they sat
patiently for years in this fun 
monogram bag given to me by
my friend, Susan!
The daisy inspiration came
from these ca 1970 home items,
(match tin & recipe card box)
which were found while treasure
hunting with same sweet friend!

All the fabrics ...

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November 28, 2022
Fuzzy November Travels:) from Nestlings By Robin

 Fuzzy doesn't have to mean the literal.
It can also mean all the feelings 
we get by being around family
or people we love. It can include
nostalgic memories we get
to share or pass on.

This month we traveled north
to help our eldest with her new
home adventure (even though my
heart is broken they are so far away!!).
We drove through not one
bit of Autumn on our way
and then the house across the street
had this for me:) 

There was lots of framing
out to be done and 
I helped little man build
his ...

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